The quote that got me thinking 

Late last night I do my favourite pastimes bath book and bed I call it BBB 🙂 Anyway I was finishing a book I’ve been reading called Gaining heaven’s perspective: A guide to hearing and seeing the voice of God by Julian C. Adams, something he said got me thinking.

God is more interested in your relationship with him than you waiting for his commands

What a quote, it sent me back to the time in a church I was in many years ago when there was much emphasis on obeying God’s commands, it rather reminded me that the person who used to say it the most saw God as a sergeant major.  I believe that the image of God we have determines what sort of relationship we have with him.  It reminds me of the passage in Matthew 25 from verse 14 about the different people been given possessions by their master how they viewed him caused them to respond in kind.  The man who was given just the one talent just hid it saying that his master was harsh the others used what had been entrusted to them and got more, knowing their master trusted them, each of the people responded according to what they believed the nature of the master was and what they believed about themselves.

For many Christians they see God as a harsh TASKmaster waiting for their next command instead of knowing God trusts them in using what they already have been given by him whether it’s their brain, finances, gifts or opportunities.  Interestingly the master was away for long time away from those people’s presence leaving them to make choices without interference, he trusted them.  Also when the master returned he was pleased with how those people used those talents, they showed him, he was proud of them, God is proud of you. enjoys your gifts and talents.

In conclusion I would say God is not a harsh taskmaster issuing commands rather he is a loving father who gives to us and enjoys what we do with what he puts in our hands, the result will be based in what we believe about him, if we believe he is good, kind and loving there will be fruit, if not then their will only be mistrust of the one who gave us the things entrusted to us.  That doesn’t mean the father won’t direct or guide us, he will if we need it and he will correct us if we go off track, but comes out of a position of trust.  People who are neither trusted or respected have to resort to commanding people to do things for them rather than if they are trusted people will naturally seek them out for direction or guidance.

To any reading this Father can be trusted, he loves, enjoys and celebrates you, he gives good gifts and trusts you, don’t be afraid to seek direction and guidance from him, but if he doesn’t answer your probably doing well he’s not into micro managing, he trusts you.  He will probably most likely encourage you to keep going.

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